kewl sites★・゚
below are some lovely links and the like . i love link directories, so heres a mini one of my own!! STARS MEAN A HARD RECCOMEND no tagging system atm, but ill organise as I go . jojos code bc i like jojos ...
ac moddinggreat ac mods
wizard rpg online and in browser
a fun lil text adventure about internet and friendship
not too sure about the orgins of the term "webmastery" ... i honestly stole it from sadness (^つωฅ^)graghics
texture town ★・゚A collection of textures! Really well organised!! great for video game textures, and site backgrounds
websets by lynn ★・゚
websets!! they're by lynn!!!
amiga graphics archive
archive of graphics created on the amida computer!
a lot of copy and paste kaomoji and in general keyboard emotes
cute kaomoji
i really like this site!! a lovely place to find kaomoji, as well as border and divider glitters!!
88x31 gif archive
a collection of buttons, some old, some new, all fire
halcyon layoutsold skool anime layouts
tiddlywikicomprehensive wiki builder
for making things, recources ect (๑✪ᆺ✪๑)art programs ★・゚draw collaboratively with friends!!!
animal art reference ★・゚a bunch of lovely resources for drawing animals! i use this to help my furry art have better animal characteristics
design doll ★・゚
doll posing software! free!! doesnt work on mac, but this alternative does!
seventh sanctum ★・゚
crazy website with random idea generators!! i love all of the stuff on here, but especially the technology and gadget generators
this to thata site that recommends glue based on what two things you need to bond together!!
alternatives to social media and etcgeneral
disroot ★・゚amazon alternatives
amazon pamphlet ★・゚
"platform providing online services based on principles of freedom, privacy, federation and decentralization."
search engines
marginalia ★・゚an alt search engine that focuses on lesser known, non-commercial content.
personal web search engine
friendworld ★・゚a fake social media/ chatroom, i don't think you can actually make an account.
social media
reblogmea tumblr alternative, commited to being antiracist, lgbtq friendly, and is anti nsfw censorship.
information r usargggg
safe piracy megathread ★・゚a thread on safe and useful ways to pirate
mushroom color atlasexplore the different colors that can be produced from mushrooms.
little sis ★・゚
a site dedicated to mapping the connections between elite people, places, and things.
who pays writers ★・゚
what news publications pay artists, and how much.
native land ★・゚
an interactive map of indigenous nations
info graphics/visualizations
deleted citya visualization of the 600gb+ geocities backup done by the archive team in 2009. pixel wealth ★・゚
see the richest man's wealth to scale.
net art anthologya history of net art, with lots of cool obscure art I've never actually seen before!!!
decolonial atlas
"a growing collection of maps which, in some way, help us to challenge our relationships with the land, people, and state
pteros ★・゚
an encyclopedia of petrosaur species
crush capitalism ★・゚
summaries of communist and socialist theory
memory work ★・゚
good reading, explores possibilities of womens labor in the future
a site full of redings and information about lucid dreams.
erowidlearn about psychoactives and the effects on ppl
arcade idea ★・゚
cool blog about art and video game history
zlibrary ★・゚free books!!!
libgen ★・゚
more free books!!!
anarchist library ★・゚
a free anarchist library
wolfman museum ★・゚a fully online museum experience, really cool!! tones of freeware, and other public domain items. has a really cool artstyle, and is something thats quite nostalgic for me.
clozemasterlearn language
drawing gardenrelax and draw a garden
these are sites people make by, and often for, themselves.

50 books; 800 patents; 80,000 Twitter followers... to increase your sense of wonder.
a lot of art, websites interactive codes, etc.
I. LOVE. THIS. SITE. the moon is cool asf
a cool site that has a lot of graphics and information about video games and music!
kaj strife ★・official website of dog rapper kaj strife!! cool fursona, nice music, etc!!!

noises blended together.
barf citycomics and such about a weird animal. i love this silly site
alexander perrin
lots of cute things here, im personally fond of short trip, a beautiful experience where you drive a train thru the countryside
dream wiki★・
not exactly sure where to put this or how to describe it, feel free to see 4 urself
geocities midi archivea collection of midis collected from the geocities archive made in 2007